Thursday, March 24, 2011

The KK sets out - the shakedown trip begins.

This trip that we are currently on is no where near as glamorous as our last but the way it has started it may just turn out to be more exciting. The packing and preparation phase was a disaster – rain….rain….. rain. So plans went out the window – the new electrical system was not tested and we ended up throwing everything in the car when the rain stopped and headed off on Tuesday for Canberra to celebrate Matthew’s birthday. We had our clothes in the fridgie bag so didn’t open the van until the next day after we headed down the Monaro Highway. That was very useful and made an early start easy.

We stopped at Colinton on the Cooma Road for a cuppa and discovered a muffler rattle – back to Canberra or continue? Cooma won and we headed for the camping area and the exhaust shop. Fortunately they fitted us in and a mere $340 later we were repaired. It had been a tight fit into the space at the park and this morning as we were moving out the tow bar demonstrated inherent weaknesses. Hammer job! – car nearly escaped complete with van in tow but all under control and back to the same car repairer for some welding!

We were impressed with the service and the state of Cooma – good repairs, excellent parking for vans, good patchwork shop (new scissors, needles and cotton!) and pleasant staff everywhere.

Down the highway to Marlo – (our destination of Thurra River was abandoned due to unknown state of the road) and we set up again. And the information centre was closed

Oops – should have tested that electrical system. The van isn’t charging from the car – problem traced to faulty device purchased from Victoria. We may take it straight back to them!

However the smoke detector works and we are happily set up having feasted on steak and many vegetables. We are listening to the Sleepless in Seattle Soundtrack and when I have finished this I am going to sew hexagons while we watch a DVD. OK – we used to camp and do it tough – at the moment we are enjoying our electricity, our computer, flat screen TV , etc. We are still travelling in a fold out device but this one is a tad more luxurious than the old “portable princess palace” that we used to have.

Now – if I could find the camera to computer cord we could have photos. I have also just realised that I need to update my favourite sites on my page and add a few more bits and pieces!


  1. Lucky you went to Cooma for repairs - could have been disastrous otherwise!

  2. A bit 5 Star!Have a great adventure.
