Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I've been watching whales!!!!!

We spent 2 wonderful nights in Smoky Bay. We wandered out to the end of the wharf and spent lots of time looking at the sea, the birds and the scenery in general. Then I made the most wonderful oyster pies. It is interesting to play and experiment and adjust to changing tastes, products, cooking facilities and health requirements. The filling for the pies was based on wholemeal flour, Logicol, skim milk, mushrooms and oysters. It was delicious. I made a traditional white sauce using non traditional ingredients, chopped and added the mushrooms and lightly cooked them. Next I chopped up 2 of the oysters and let them flavour the sauce and just before popping it all in the pie maker with the puff pastry I added the rest of the dozen freshly openned oysters. Yummmmmmmmm.

Today we woke early and headed off for Ceduna for a little bit of shopping and then to whale watching at Head of Bight. 148 whales in the bay today - the water was really calm and it was simply BRILLIANT! We took lots and lots of photos. The mums and babies were really close to the shore and it was great to watch the mothers monitor the little ones and stop them getting too close to the cliffs. At one point a baby went right over the top of its mother. Lots of tail slapping, tail flips etc.

Tonight we are at Nullarbor Station listening to the gentle sound of the generator.

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